My Markdown favourites

My Markdown favourites Background
1 min read

Follow this guide to be as happy as this Getty Images Llama!

Happy getty images llama

format: [alt text](link to image)

Coding Snippets

  "firstName": "John",  
  "lastName": "Smith",  
  "age": 25

Text Formatting


with two underscores


with an underscore


use backticks


use a > sign -Source

Mathematical Expressions

\(a^2 + b^2 = c^2 | use double dollarsigns\)

Line Break <br>

there's one hidden above ^

It's time for Markdown Tables!

Name Age Position
Lionel Messi 38? Winger
Mbappe 24 Winger
Me 23 Bad

Markdown generators also exist

Thank you for reading!

there are plenty more resources that are better than this, most of this information was sourced from the link below:

Markdown cheetsheet here