My Markdown favourites
Follow this guide to be as happy as this Getty Images Llama!​
format: [alt text](link to image)
Coding Snippets​
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"age": 25
Text Formatting​
with two underscores
with an underscore
use backticks
use a > sign -Source
Mathematical Expressions​
\(a^2 + b^2 = c^2 | use double dollarsigns\)
Line Break <br>
there's one hidden above ^
It's time for Markdown Tables!​
Name | Age | Position |
Lionel Messi | 38? | Winger |
Mbappe | 24 | Winger |
Me | 23 | Bad |
Markdown generators also exist
Thank you for reading!​
there are plenty more resources that are better than this, most of this information was sourced from the link below: